Selva de Urundel REDD + project aims to protect an area of 46,947.80 hectares of forest in the Southern Yungas region in northern Argentina.
The Yungas are mountain forests that are extremely important for the extraordinary biodiversity they contain and because they provide a series of ecosystem goods and services of the highest value, including the collection and storage of rainwater and the regulation of water basins.
This region, which in recent years has reported an alarming rate of deforestation, exceeding 1% per year, is now threatened by the constant expansion of agriculture, illegal logging and fires that every year occur more frequently.
The project area, consisting of a private property, is now part of the “Yungas Biosphere Reserve“, established by UNESCO in 2002 to promote a harmonious balance between the local populations and the natural environment in order to satisfy needs of present and future generations through economic, social and ecological sustainability.
This project also represents the first step in the establishment of a precious biological corridor between the Calilegua National Park and the Baritu National Park, guaranteeing the survival of threatened species, including the Jaguar, the Puma, the Tapir, the Giant Anteater and numerous species of birds, reptiles and amphibians.
The Yungas eco-region extends from northern Peru to Bolivia, reaching northern Argentina along the eastern flank of the central Andes. This region is fundamental for the ecological balance of the entire region, due to its extraordinary capacity as a reserve of fresh water. However, in recent years, these forests have been characterized by a high rate of deforestation, over 1% per year.
The project fully embraces the philosophy of Carbon Credits Consulting, associating the production of numerous co-benefits with the objectives of conservation and reduction of emissions, capable of positively impacting the territory, biodiversity and local communities affected by the project.
Improving the living conditions of local communities: the project encourages the education of local communities, with the aim of stopping illegal wood extraction and hunting activities within protected areas, stimulating the development of sustainable and the consequent conservation of ecosystems. These new job opportunities, education and training in agroforestry management contribute to improving the quality of life for workers and their families.
The project aims to distribute scholarships for attending middle school, and additional scholarships for the best students so that they can attend high school and university.
Tropical forests are the largest representation of biodiversity. Within the project area it is possible to find endemic species of the Amazon biome, strongly affected by the fragmentation of the natural habitat due to deforestation: among the various we can mention the huron minor, the raccoon, the white-collared peccary the anteater. In particular, three species are categorized as “endangered” by the IUCN: the tapir, the ferret and the labiated peccary, while one, the jaguar, is instead “critically endangered”.
Studying and preserving biodiversity, preventing hunting and reducing the risk of fires are among the main activities of Selva de Urundel REDD + Project.
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