For those who want to approach the world of the voluntary carbon credit market and the offsetting of CO2 emissions, we recommend that you stay updated by following our blog.
The topics addressed vary from news regarding the new Carbon Credits Consulting projects to issues more related to the world of sustainability, such as: reforestation, the compensation of carbon dioxide emissions, the importance of biomes, tree species that can help the man to neutralize emissions and so much more. Up to informative articles to learn more about what carbon credits are or how companies can go about becoming “carbon neutral”.
What are you talking about when you hear words like REDD+, ARR, carbon neutrality, net zero or carbon footprint?
One of the latest projects to protect the Argentine Yungas is the Selva de Urundel REDD+ Project, aimed at safeguarding the native forest and biodiversity of the Urundel forest.
Il primo luxury shopping mall a livello internazionale ad acquisire la Certificazione ‘Carbon Neutral’ entro la fine del 2020
Energy from renewable sources and projects to reduce emissions: this is how our publishing group achieved carbon neutrality
Massimo Iosa Ghini has embraced a "carbon neutrality" project for over a year.
The project to offset 1,225 tons through reforestation activities in Southern Mato Grosso, Brazil is also underway
The group led by Marco Palmieri will offset the corporate emissions produced by the end of 2022.
© 2023 – Carbon Credits Consulting, Via del Monte 10, Bologna(BO) 40126 – P.IVA: 03475401208