The Mila Rano project aims to provide safe drinking water to households in rural communities in southern Madagascar.
Initially, the project will focus on 5 rural communities in the Atsimo-Andrefana Region under Tulear District II. However, there is a plan to involve more in the near future.
To achieve its goal, Mila Rano project will construct solar-powered water supply systems. By doing so, the project intends to reduce the use and demand for woody fuel and nonrenewable biomass, which would have been used to boil water for purification.
This approach will not only provide clean water to communities but also reduce emissions by more than 12,000 tons of CO2 per year.
Energy Demand / Water Access & Sanitation
VCS – Verified Carbon Standard
SD VISta – Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard
Project Proponent
Madaprojects Società Benefit
VCS Registry ID
Access to clean water is a basic necessity for human survival. However, many areas in the world, including Madagascar, still do not meet this need. Currently, less than half of Madagascar’s population has access to clean water.
Unfortunately, 80% of people without access to safe drinking water live in rural areas, and many of these people rely on untreated water from rivers or lakes. This reliance puts those who drink this water at risk of disease, particularly children. Diseases caused by poor water quality result in more than 2,100 deaths per year.
In these area, wells are often contaminated with bacteria and viruses, making people who drink this water at high risk of disease. As a result, many of these communities have no alternative but to boil water. Unfortunately, the wood needed for the fire is expensive and often unsustainably harvested, severely damaging the environment.
Given this situation, it is crucial to provide Madagascar’s rural communities with sustainable, long-term access to safe drinking water. The Mila Rano project aims to achieve this through the installation of solar water supply systems. By doing so, the project will reduce the use of nonrenewable biomass to boil water, which will not only protect the environment but also improve people’s health and promote economic development in rural communities.
In Madagascar half of the population (54.4%) has access to basic water services. While only about one in eight (12.3%) has access to essential sanitation services.
The grouped project is located in several rural communities in the region Atsimo-Andrefana under the Tulear II district: Mahabo, Behompy, Ampasy, Ampihalia, Andranofoty.
The Mila Rano project provides drinking water to rural households in southern Madagascar. It uses solar-powered water supply systems to reduce demand for nonrenewable biomass.
Improved quality of life for local communities, reduced disease due to water pollution, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.
The Mila Rano – Clean Water project offers significant environmental benefits that are critical in mitigating climate change and preserving natural habitats.
One of the key benefits is the avoidance of deforestation of forested areas by reducing the demand for woody fuel used for boiling water. This reduces pressure on forest resources and preserves the ecological balance of these areas.
Additionally, the project’s reduced demand for non-renewable woody biomass for boiling water production has a positive impact on the environment by decreasing the rate of depletion of non-renewable resources. This also helps in preventing environmental degradation and preserving biodiversity.
The project’s overall reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is impressive, with estimates suggesting that 12,294 tCO2/year and 86,058 tCO2 were avoided or eliminated during the seven-year renewable crediting period of the project. These reductions in greenhouse gas emissions contributes to mitigate climate change and prevent global warming.
The Mila Rano project has provided significant social benefits for the communities impacted by the project, where access to potable water was a major challenge. By improving access to clean water, the project has reduced dependence on wood fuel to boil water, freeing up time and money for other economic activities.
In addition, health benefits from reduced smoking in homes and safe water consumption led to improved health status, particularly for women who traditionally bear the burden of water collection and fuel. This has prevented digestive diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, dysentery and typhoid fever, which were previously caused by consumption of contaminated water.
The project has also improved women’s time and safety by reducing the risk of abuse and assault while collecting water and wood. The time saved can now be used for more productive economic, social, and educational activities, which has helped improve gender equity conditions.
The Mila Rano project offers significant economic benefits for local communities.
By providing access to safe and affordable drinking water, the project helps to foster the development of sustainable rural livelihoods, supporting local job creation and accelerating access to a vital resource. In addition, the project reduces the costs associated with purchasing firewood for water purification and saves time for wood collection, leading to an improvement in the quality of life for local communities.
The involvement of local communities in the construction, operation, and maintenance of drinking water well technologies also creates job opportunities and promotes local economic development.
Overall, the Mila Rano Drinking Water Project is a vital step towards improving the economic well-being and sustainable development of local communities in Madagascar.
Through the production of solar water supply systems, the project will contribute to the achievement of the following Sustainable Development Goals outlined in Agenda 2030:
Through the construction of water towers that distribute purified water, an alternative to boiling water or consuming contaminated water is generated. In this way, households can save time and money that would have otherwise been spent on purifying water or treating diseases caused by contamination. The availability of clean water also improves food security by increasing agricultural and animal husbandry practices.
Women are burdened with manual tasks, including collecting water and firewood, which limit their opportunities for education and access to employment. The reduced provision of potable exposes them to abuse and health risks. Whereas, better access to clean water and efficient cooking stoves can improve women’s economic opportunities, health and social inclusion.
Madagascar is a low-income country where only half of the population has access to drinking water. In addition, 57% of the population lacks access to an improved water source. The southern regions of Madagascar have the lowest water supply coverage and are highly vulnerable to drought. Families in these areas resort to negative coping strategies, such as discontinuing their children’s education, to buy water at exorbitant prices. Thus, the implementation of the grouped project would contribute to SDG 6, achieving universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all.
The Mila Rano project deeply involves local communities in its implementation. The construction of the technology for safe drinking water is entrusted to a local building company, while operation and maintenance are carried out by local personnel, creating job opportunities within the surrounding communities. Access to safe drinking water can support local employment and promote economic growth in the region.
The grouped project aims to reduce the use of wood fuel and non-renewable biomass by constructing solar-powered water supply systems that will purify water. This will reduce deforestation in the host country and provide a safer and more sustainable alternative to traditional stoves for boiling water. The project will construct 5 new water supply systems in the Andrefana region, providing safe drinking water to about 4,000 households and a total of about 24,900 people. The project is estimated to reduce annual average GHG emissions by 12,294 tCO₂/year and a total of 86,058 tCO₂ over a 7-year crediting period.
From 1990 to 2010, Madagascar lost 8.3% of its forest cover, with an average annual loss of 0.42%. A study showed that from 2000 to 2015, natural forest disappearance rates ranged from 1.4% to 1.8% in different time periods. However, reducing forest extraction and pressure can lead to increased forest biomass and higher levels of diversity and abundance of indigenous tree species. Charcoal production is a significant driver of deforestation, and the project aims to preserve forests and biodiversity.
First Monitoring Period 17/06/2023 – 31/12/2024: MR Monitoring Facsheet_23-24
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