CCC partner tecnico del National Geographic Fest 2023

La nuova edizione del National Geographic Fest torna a Milano dal 17 al 19 novembre Al CityLife Anteo e CityLife Shopping District oltre 30 appuntamenti, con più di 60 ospiti nazionali e internazionali tra cui Robert Costanza, Elizabeth Kolbert, Naomi Oreskes, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, Ian Miller, gli Explorers Giovanni Chimienti, Davide Monteleone, Elisabetta Zavoli, Luca […]

Where do we operate? Madagascar

Africa Carbon Credits

Projects for reducing emissions and protecting local communities Madagascar is one of the largest islands in the world, located off the coast of eastern Africa. It is known for its unique biodiversity and local traditions, but unfortunately, it is also one of the poorest countries on the planet. Additionally, Madagascar is one of the most […]

The Atlantic Forest: A Unique Biome in Brazil

biodiversidade da mata atlantica

Introduction In the vastness of Brazilian geography, beyond the world-famous Amazon, there are five diverse biomes that are ecological treasures of the planet due to their vital value. One of them is the Atlantic Forest, one of the world’s oldest forests. This forest, despite having a great diversity of species and offering an exceptional range […]

Community-Based Solutions Projects

Community Based Solutions

Community-Based Solutions Projects: Collaborating with Local Communities to Combat Climate Change  Community-Based Solutions for Reducing CO₂ Emissions With the growing awareness of the climate crisis, many companies are seeking alternative solutions to offset their inevitable CO₂ emissions. In this context, community-based projects are becoming increasingly popular in the voluntary carbon market.  These projects focus on collaborating […]

Answers to Common Questions About Carbon Credits

Carbon Credits CCC

10 common questions about Carbon Credits: everything you need to know to get started. Table of Contents What is a carbon credit? A carbon credit is a tradable unit that represents a certified reduction or removal of one ton of greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere. It is a measurable and verifiable unit used to offset […]

The co-benefits of carbon offsetting projects: Beyond emissions reduction


The voluntary carbon market (VCM) is gaining increasing attention as a crucial tool to address climate change and promote new pathways towards environmental sustainability for businesses. However, reducing carbon emissions and achieving carbon neutrality should not be the sole objectives in the fight against environmental impact. In this article, we will explore the co-benefits of […]

The Yungas forest and its four vegetation levels

The Yungas forest The Yungas forest, also known as Nuboselva or Selva Tucumano-Oranense, is a unique ecosystem. Located on the eastern edge of the Andes, this mountain forest extends from Venezuela to Argentina, hosting a great variety of flora and fauna. The topography of the Andes acts as a barrier for the humid clouds coming from […]

Planting trees vs. compensating

Planting trees vs. compensating Carbon Credits Consulting

The difference between planting trees and offsetting The growing interest in sustainability is pushing companies around the world to review their business strategies in order to meet the demands of consumers who are increasingly attentive to these issues. However, it is important that the actions taken are effective and have a concrete impact in the […]

Where do we operate? Argentina

Where do we act? Argentina

Carbon Credits Consulting (CCC) is committed to protecting forests in several territories around the world, including Argentina.  Previous Next In this article, we will focus on the Selva de Urundel REDD+ project, which aims to protect an area of 46,942 ha of forest in the Yungas Australi region in northern Argentina.   The importance of the Yungas forests The Yungas eco-region in Argentina is […]