Meet our people: Marcio Amaral

Carbon Credits

What was your background before coming to Carbon Credits Consulting?

I’ve always had a very strong connection with nature. Ever since I was a child, I already imagined what I would like to work with in the future. Initially, I wanted to be a researcher, to work with science. Curiosity has always moved me. It was then that I decided to become a Forest Engineer. I graduated from the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM). I then did my master’s degree and currently I’m PhD at the National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA). Throughout my academic and professional training, I have worked with research in the Brazilian Amazon. I carried out several forest inventories to estimate the carbon of the Amazon forests (CADAF Project, a partnership between Brazil and Japan) and understand the relationships of forest species and the environment. I taught several courses focused on identifying forest species. I was a volunteer teacher at UFAM, teaching Dendrology and Forest Ecology classes. In fact, teaching and research are my passions. I currently work at CCC, which I am proud to work for.


What is your role as Carbon Project Specialist at CCC? What are your main activities?

I am currently responsible for planning, coordinating, and executing technical activities related to carbon projects developed in Brazil and Argentina. Normally I receive the demands, define the objectives, and achieve the goals with the Brazilian technical team. Additionally, I am responsible for collecting field data (forest inventory), data processing and statistical analysis. My responsibilities also involve writing two main documents for a carbon project: Project Description and Monitoring Report, Climate and Biodiversity section.

I also work with projections of future scenarios (using Geoprocessing), estimating how much biomass will be lost if a conservation project (such as carbon projects) is not implemented. Today, I am trying to implement procedures that optimize our analysis processes, optimizing our response time, generating Measurable, Reportable, and Verifiable results (MRV).


What is your favorite part of working at CCC?

 As is common in popular sayings: “Challenges are what move us”. And I’m driven by challenges because mystery generates interest. Although carbon projects are not new to me, as I have had the opportunity to carry out work of this before, I always learn something new every day. Furthermore, the Brazil team is a very competent and committed team. This makes the work easier. As Steve Jobs said: Small teams tend to be more united and productive.


What do you like to do in your free time?

Normally in my free time I like to camp with my son Joaquim. With him I like to go hiking in the middle of the forest. Bathing in waterfalls is our fun. I also have a passion for music and sports (my first love: Vasco da Gama). When I’m not camping with my son, I usually pick up my guitar and try to play some songs. I’m not very good, but I try to play, after all, the important thing is to always try and never give up. I like to play sports, some of which involve climbing, football (like all good Brazilians), hiking on my bike and skateboarding.

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