Yungas de Pocoy


Fazenda Boa Vista

The transition zone between the Cerrado and the Atlantic Rainforest Biomes in Brazil is a crucial area for maintaining biodiversity, supporting ecosystem services, and mitigating climate change. However, deforestation has severely impacted these regions, resulting in significant loss of habitat, soil degradation, and water pollution.

Fazenda Boa Vista is a reforestation (ARR) project that aims to restore 293 hectares of degraded land by planting high-absorbing tree species, while simultaneously promoting the recovery of the natural savanna ecosystem.

Over the project length more than 425,000 tons of carbon dioxide(tCO2) will be captured with an average annual GHG removal of 21,424 tCO2.

The project objectives go beyond carbon and encompass a comprehensive approach that prioritizes the benefits of the environment, biodiversity and the communities involved.

ARR – Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use

VCS – Verified Carbon Standard 

RINA S.p.A (?)

Ponto dos Volantes, Minas Gerais (Brazil)

Project Proponent

VCS Methodology

VCS Registry ID

Project under development

Project in numbers

pianta in mano
trees planted in the Project Area
pianta in mano
hectares of degraded land transformed into forest
albero in mano
hectares of restored and protected native forest
co emissions
tonnes of CO2 removed per annually
kg of CO2 removed per day
fewer cars per day

Project Location

Drivers of deforestation

The primary driver of deforestation in the Project Area of Fazenda Boa Vista is the widespread practice of extensive cattle ranching. This practice has resulted in the degradation of pasturelands, characterized by sparse tree coverage.

Historically, this practice has involved burning activities to clear land for expanding pastures, leading to severe degradation of the land over time. The consequences of this degradation include land erosion patches and a reduction in soil fertility due to the depletion of organic matter and essential macro and micro trace elements.

Silvicultural activities in the project area



The Fazenda Boa Vista Afforestation Project not only aims to fix carbon through reforestation, but also supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It promotes sustainable land management, mitigates climate change by removing greenhouse gases, and generates social, environmental, and climatic co-benefits.

The project will follow a Social and Environmental Management Plan based on the SDG indicators framework and contributes to achieving multiple sustainable development priorities:

1. No Poverty

impronta ecologica aziendale

The Fazenda Boa Vista Afforestation Project aims to prioritize local resources and labor, stimulate the creation of new businesses and jobs, and achieve socio-economic benefits for the targeted communities. Prior to the project, community members worked in the livestock industry where wages were low. By increasing salary levels, the project will provide economic incentives for workers and their families, leading to improved living conditions.

4. Quality Education

obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile

The project will provide training for farm employees on forest fires to mitigate forest fire risks. Providing access to training will also enhance participants’ skills, enabling them to access higher-paying jobs and professional or technical opportunities. Furthermore, access to training and workshops will facilitate networking opportunities, which may lead to further access to formal and informal education.

Timeline for Afforestation, Reforestation, and Revegetation (ARR) Projects

Identificazione di un terreno eleggibile
Il primo passo è identificare un terreno eleggibile che possa essere riforestato. Questo può essere fatto attraverso una serie di metodi, tra cui l'analisi di immagini satellitari, l'ispezione sul campo e l'interazione con le comunità locali.
Visita in loco e consultazione delle parti interessate
La visita in loco e la consultazione delle parti interessate possono essere eseguite in qualsiasi momento durante il processo, ma è meglio farlo prima di iniziare lo studio di fattibilità. Questo aiuterà a garantire che il progetto sia sostenuto dalle comunità locali e che soddisfi le loro esigenze.
Planting - Start Date
Development of project documentation
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