Western Amazon Grouped Project


Western Amazon REDD+ Grouped Project

It is a REDD+ project that promotes the protection of natural areas located in the Brazilian Amazon with the aim of preserving over 60,000 hectares of native vegetation, halting deforestation that has reached concerning levels in this area.

The project will have a duration of 30 years and will result in an average annual reduction of +350,000 tonnes of CO₂, and will be validated and verified with VCS and CCBs standards.

Project activities will mainly include identifying drivers of deforestation, promoting sustainable activities within the forests, and training local communities. The project also involves scientific studies of local fauna and flora to identify and protect threatened plant and animal species.

REDD+ (Reducing Emission from Deforestation and forest Degradation)

VCS – Verified Carbon Standard
Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standard


Acre e Amazonas – Brasile


VCS Registry ID

The project

The project consists of 22 areas located among the states with the highest deforestation rates in Latin America: Acre and Amazonas, in Brazil. As a Grouped Project, it consists of several properties with ecologically similar characteristics and located in areas characterized by great pressure of deforestation. The project will protect ecosystems and promote the regeneration of the Amazonian biome in the most affected areas.

Stop deforestation


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  • Propagation of external fires within the project area caused by ranchers
  • Internal arson fires due to the exploitation of the land by inhabitants and outsiders
  • Illegal logging
  • Deforestation caused by forest dwellers
  • Expansion of agricultural land and ranches

Fires in the Amazon Rainforest

Incendi min

Western Amazon is choosing to play an active role in protecting the Amazon from the catastrophic fires that have and continue to endanger the world’s lung.

In Eastern Acre, the land of our project, a series of destructive fires has characterised recent years. Without adequate mitigation, the situation is bound to worsen, leaving room for fire and devastation. REDD+ projects are one of the best solutions for the support that these precious ecosystems so desperately need today.

Protect the forest

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Created with Fabric.js 4.6.0
Created with Fabric.js 4.6.0
  • Training and equipment of firefighters, ready to intervene in the event of a fire in the project area
  • Implementation of prevention and control courses for the inhabitants
  • Fire detection systems
  • Hiring guards for the protection of the project areas
  • Construction of fences and protective barriers, in order to stop illegal grazing by neighboring ranches
  • Organization of meetings with workers and inhabitants, in order to raise awareness in the community about the conservation and sustainable use of the forest
  • Activities aimed at improving the living conditions of communities, in order to encourage forest conservation

Co - benefits


The vegetation affected by the over 60,000 hectares of the project area is divided into two different types. The dense shade forest, and the open shade forest. The photosynthetic productivity of the forest can exceed 1000 grams of CO2 sequestered per square meter annually. The amount of rainfall throughout the year keeps the leaves green throughout the solar arc, contributing to the capture of carbon dioxide.

The dense forest is made up of high canopic trees, capable of reaching up to 60 meters in height. The open forest, on the other hand, is a transition space between different biomes.

In the Western Amazon REDD + Grouped Project area it is common to find palm trees and bamboo. The project will ensure the protection of ecosystems by promoting the regeneration of the Amazon biome in some of the areas most at risk.


Improving the living conditions of local communities: Forests have been home to traditional communities for thousands of years. The “ribeirinhos”, for example, are a population that lives on the banks of rivers. For years, unsustainable activities have led to deforestation.

The project encourages the education of local communities, with the aim of stopping illegal wood extraction and hunting activities within protected areas, then stimulating the development of sustainable activities and the consequent conservation of ecosystems.

These new job opportunities, education and training in agroforestry management contribute to improving the quality of life for workers and their families.


Tropical forests are the largest representation of biodiversity. Tropical forests are the largest representation of biodiversity. Within the project area it is possible to find endemic species of the Amazon biome, strongly affected by the fragmentation of the natural habitat due to deforestation: among the various we can mention the common opossum, the three-toed sloth, the aote and the saimiri , or squirrel monkey. In particular, three species are categorized as “endangered” by the IUCN: the jaguar, the giant anteater and the brown eater.

Studying and preserving biodiversity, preventing hunting and reducing the risk of fires are the main activities of Western Amazon REDD + Grouped Project


Supply Chain (Scope 3) 

VCUs may be issued for the greenhouse gas emission reductions and removals associated with the timber obtained thorough the Sustainable Forest Management Plan applied in Fazenda Espigão and Fazenda Castanhal Parte A. 


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