Camera trapping for nature-based solutions
If you are interested in seeing what animals live inside some of the most hostile natural environments you can do this through the specific deployment of camera traps.
These innovative tools, created in the 1890s, have forever changed the way biologists, scientists and researchers collect data. They consist of a digital camera connected to an infrared sensor that can ‘see’ warm moving objects. When an animal moves into the sensor position, the camera is activated, recording an image or video on the memory card. They can track the rarest events that occur in the wild, by being left in the field for weeks or even months.
Camera Trap Footage: Carbon Credits Consulting/ Mato Grosso do Sul – Cerrado / ARR projects
In our projects, we have deployed several camera traps to see which areas had the highest density of animal population. This not only generate fascinating content for us and our customers, but also allows us to monitor the presence of species, some of which can be considered at risk or vulnerable. In addition, camera traps have proven to be a particularly useful tool to ensure that illegal logging or hunting in protected areas does not take place.
Despite its enormous potential, it is not always easy to collect data from camera trapping. There are several significant challenges involved in their use: our team of experts often finds itself having to travel to remote locations to position the camera traps in the best viable way, even if they have to cross rivers or walk many kilometers.
Our technician collecting pictures in Selva de Urundel REDD+, Argentina
The placement of these camera traps must be carried out by experienced people, in this way the materials they produce can be extremely helpful for monitoring species and estimating the density of wild animals in a specific area, or for identifying and distinguishing individual animals from a population of a species.
Our camera-trapping work goes beyond entertainment, it allows us to analyze, protect and conserve key species that are critical to our mission to stop climate change, showing us a glimpse of what is behind a certified conservation project while, at the same time, helping us to share with our clients the magnificent world of biodiversity, we preserve together.