Why do we need a REDD+ project in the Amazon

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The Amazon covers 7 million km2 in nine South American states and is the largest remaining rainforest on Earth.

But it is not only a huge section of rainforest, rich in biodiversity: its role in regulating the climate influences the entire globe. The health of this natural region is closely linked to global climate change as the rainforest stores 90 to 140 billion tonnes of CO₂. Similarly, the Amazon’s rivers provide around 17% of all fresh water on the planet, regulating rainfall in Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Bolivia and Paraguay. However, this incredible biome has never been so threatened as it is today. Over the last 30 years, unregulated, unsustainable and even illegal extractive economies have accelerated the risk of losing forever what we now know as THE tropical rainforest par excellence. More than 500 km2 of Amazon rainforest, or twice the area of Ecuador, has been lost. The agricultural frontier continues to approach the virgin forests of the Amazon putting it at risk with the loss of biodiversity, drought, devastating rainfall and above all, the release of millions of tonnes of CO₂ into the atmosphere. Scenarios of losing the rainforest forever are not far away, and neither is one of our solutions: the Western Amazon #WARG Project REDD+ aims to bring together as many areas as possible to protect them from all these threats, preserving what has been preserved for millennia and unfortunately has not been protected in recent years. CCC offers to change the paradigm in local communities, where we will take a proactive stance and propose solutions ranging from knowledge sharing to the acquisition of technology and software, changes in unsustainable practices and studies of flora and fauna. Stay connected, find out more about WARG REDD+ here:
Western Amazon Grouped Project
    Sources from: WWF/FAO/UN/Nat GEO
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