The big 5 of Cerrado

carbon credits

Brazil’s Cerrado is a vast land area rich in biodiversity, inhabited by a variety of animals from which it derives the name of its “Big 5“: giant anteater, jaguar, maned wolf, tapir and giant armadillo. These mammals are considered the main carriers of ecological service in the region. The giant anteater The giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) lives […]

Camera Trap: The Puma

progetti redd+

The World Wildlife Day is an occasion to reflect on the importance of conserving biodiversity and the need to protect animal and plant species that live on our planet. On the occasion of this special day, we thought of sharing with you a wonderful video of a beautiful Puma captured by the Camera Traps, installed in […]

Where do we operate? Brazil

certificazione crediti di carbonio

Previous Next Where do we operates? Brazil Carbon Credits Consulting operates in Brazil (but not only), with three certified projects that focus on protecting and reforesting the two main biomes in Brazilian territory: the Cerrado and the famous Amazon Rainforest. The Western Amazon Redd+ Grouped Project is a significant undertaking that is helping to combat the […]

REDD+ Grouped Project in Western Amazon

aziende che piantano alberi

Grouped Project: an opportunity for all kind of native forest at risk The Western Amazon REDD+ Grouped Project is an important initiative for the conservation of the Amazon rainforest. Unlike many REDD+ projects that focus on protecting large areas of forest, this project encompasses small and medium forestry lands with similar ecological characteristics, which are […]